• Advanced Manufacturing

A2N – The Turbocharger for Manufacturing 3D Sheet Metal Parts and Assemblies

  • Advanced Manufacturing
With this new extended "Assembly to Nesting" (A2N) technology, Lantek introduces a tool that enables sheet metal manufacturers to complete tasks in minutes that previously could take hours. The software can process 3D drawings of individual parts and entire assemblies with multiple components, unfolding them and calculating production requirements.

The 9 pillars of industry 4.0

  • Advanced Manufacturing
If we take a brief look back over previous industrial revolutions: mechanization (steam and coal), electricity (mass manufacturing, assembly line) and electronics and computing (automation thanks to information and communication technologies) we can see how these events caused cities and populations to develop, marking a turning point for economies and society as a whole.

Planning the best quote available...

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Is this process sufficiently agile, fast, flexible, and to what extent should it be standardized, or should it be custom-made?