• Advanced Manufacturing

Noyon’s Production Powered by Lantek

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Total control and efficient production management is the key to success, especially for a service company., Noyon co-owner Szymon Penczek explains in this artice how the implementation of the Lantek system has improved the quality of the company’s production processes.

Sheet Happens I: How to use Lantek Job Explorer effectively

  • Advanced Manufacturing
"SHEET HAPPENS" is a section written by a Lantek customer, a seasoned professional veteran of a thousand battles who will regularly provide us with tips, shortcuts and best practices using Lantek Expert. Don’t miss it!

Journeying to the Cloud to reduce the digital divide in the industrial sector following the pandemic

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Covid-19 has highlighted that, without the digitization of processes, it’s difficult to maintain business continuity, that supply chains are fragile and information is unreliable, exposing a digital divide between more or less digitized companies. Those who fail to cover this gap fall by the wayside, which means that accelerating transformative processes planned in the medium and long term is essential in order to adapt to this new disruptive reality, where everything happens at breakneck speed.