• Advanced Manufacturing

How machine learning will revolutionize manufacturing

  • Machine Learning
Let’s think for a moment about the high volume of data generated by companies. Data about customers, suppliers, productivity, human resources... Information that, in many cases, is not integrated into all business departments so there is no overall vision or, what is worse, it is not even digitized. Both weaknesses stall decision making and/or can lead to wrong decisions. And in this new digital ecosystem, data is the raw material of Industry 4.0.

Achieving better functional analyses: Big Data is the key

  • Advanced Manufacturing
If there’s one type of technology applied in the business world whose effectiveness is unquestionable, it’s Big Data, which has significantly revolutionized the way that companies approach markets by establishing the practical use of information and its efficient analysis as a base.

Moving towards a Smart Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Industry 4.0 requires the provision of intelligence and technology to the entire supply and value chain. Lantek has become a partner of reference in this area of innovation, without sacrificing progress in other state of the art projects, as Asier Ortiz, Lantek Technological Director, announced in this interview. Big data or virtual reality are important tools for meeting the challenge of anticipation.