• Digital Transformation

The automation of processes in sheet metal plants, lever for competitiveness

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Even before the pandemic, the automation of processes in sheet metal plants was a lever for competitiveness, but now, following the impact of Covid, it has become an indispensable competitive advantage for any factory that wants to survive scenarios as disruptive as the ones that we are witnessing.

Lantek WEM: the new way of managing production in the workshop

  • Advanced Manufacturing
A typical sheet metal workshop can process dozens of orders daily, which translates into hundreds of operations on different machines and work centers. Managing such a large production volume is not a trivial matter. The production flow is usually interrupted due to problems such as unscheduled machine shutdowns, incidents related to internal logistics, conflicts in planning, and so on.

Do you need to make more informed decisions?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Nearly everything we interact with is connected to the internet. This connectivity is spurring a widespread digital transformation. From our phones to our appliances and the machines that fabricate them, today’s level of connectivity was unimaginable a decade ago.