• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek Analytics: the best ally for Smart Data Management

  • Advanced Manufacturing
There’s a timely saying that states: "there is no such thing as too much knowledge", that may be true for knowledge but not for data and, in a world where data is multiplying, managing it properly and precisely when making decisions can mark the difference between the success or failure of a project.

Lantek MES Monitoring: the most complete way to view production

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Throughout the manufacturing process, it is very important to understand the impact that all operations will have on said process, the dependencies among them, the sequences they follow, etc. Having this under control is key to avoiding problems of overload in work centers, unnecessary shutdowns, and incorrectly assigned tasks. This is where the new application Lantek MES Monitoring comes into play.

Adjust your quoting to the demand

  • Digital Transformation
The competitiveness of our quotes in a world as demanding and global as today’s is a critical success factor. It can be the difference between the customer choosing our option or not. Being able to choose which quotes we want to prioritize and win and which are of little interest is what will contribute to ensure the profitability and survival of our company in the long term.