• Digital Transformation

USA custom fabricator grows with Lantek’s sheet metal ERP

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Cutting and bending sheet metal accurately is a challenging task, especially when the job involves tight tolerances and complex geometries. It often takes time, skill, and multiple tries to meet customer specifications.

Software to optimise equipment for retail outlets

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Food display cabinets, refrigerators, endcaps, shelves, display cases, etc. The world of point of sale equipment in the retail sector is as diverse as are its requirements. Retail establishments require customised equipment, designed according to the specific characteristics of each premises and the type of food and drink to be preserved, with different sizes and configurations to suit the retail space, not to mention the finishes. All this is must be configured and production must be precisely controlled, adjusted to meet the time constraints of each order.

Digitalization – Lantek speaks to UK subcontractor SSC Laser Cutting

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Interview with Mr. Austin Jarret, Managing Director of the British company SSC Laser Cutting. SSC Laser Cutting has three plants and manufactures laser cut and folded parts for agricultural and body on to chassis manufacturers in the UK. The company has recently started its digitalization process.