• Advanced Manufacturing

HVAC is easy with Lantek Expert Duct

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek Expert Duct has been designed for the HVAC and ducting industry to simplify the manufacture of duct components, ensuring that the finished ductwork fits together perfectly.

Lantek MES Wos to control production in the workshop and increase efficiency

  • Advanced Manufacturing
What do we ask of our factories? Efficiency and maximum quality. To do this, we need a plant data collection program at the operator’s post, the objective of which is the monitoring, control and validation of each one of the manufacturing processes, from reception of the order to the completion of production. And all of this, of course, in real time and automated, so that production can be performed with greater agility and optimization. Without administrative tasks that cause delays and can even lead to mistakes.

Lantek, "the Android" of sheet metal cutting

  • Advanced Manufacturing
We are international, and not only because we have a physical presence in more than a hundred countries and provide support in almost twenty languages, but also because our desire to assist clients as they move toward a Smart Factory leads us to strive for uniform and standardized processes from the outset so that machines can collect information and data of value in a correct and more reliable way. This is why we have worked and invested in R&Di to develop universal software. And we made it happen. We are the Android of machine tools for cutting sheet metal, tubes and profiles.