• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek reinforces its OEM collaboration policy -Open systems the route to the Smart Factory-

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek has been a leader in the sheet metal industry for 35 years and one of the key activities it has been working on since its inception is collaboration and support for OEM machine tool manufacturers in the sector. Not only has this collaboration helped OEMs to solve technological problems, optimising the functionality and performance of their machines, but it has also enabled sheet metal manufacturing companies to take advantage of these new techniques, boosting productivity and reducing costs.

Digital Factory, when digitization is synonymous with competitiveness

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The industrial sector is a country’s growth pillar, it’s the competitive advantage of an economy that is able to generate quality employment opportunities that are stable and well recognized both professionally and in terms of salary. However, to sustain these strengths, we need to innovate, renew ourselves and anticipate the progress that is available to society, which unavoidably involves digitization.

The Internet of Things, moving towards the full monitoring of machines

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) will transform companies, corporations, opening a new era of economic growth and competitiveness. In the not too distant future, the interchange of people, data and intelligent machines will have a far-reaching impact on the productivity and efficiency of the industry.