• Advanced Manufacturing

SHEET HAPPENS II: It is important to know how to draw in Lantek software?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
SHEET HAPPENS" is a column written by a Lantek customer, a seasoned professional who has overcome thousands of challenges. In this blog series, he will regularly give us tips, tricks and "best practices" on Lantek Expert. We look forward to each episode - hopefully you do too.

Close to our clients, always

  • Advanced Manufacturing
When we write the history of this decade, 2020 will be remembered as the year that marked a turning point, imposing important changes on our lives and on our jobs.

Sherlock Edge: linking the factory to the cloud

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Imagine a sheet metal factory. Hundreds of processes are taking place at the same time and all of them generate (or can potentially generate) a huge amount of invaluable data. That data can be processed and fed into the data analysis pipelines that Lantek is developing to provide advanced services targeted at improving the efficiency and performance of factories. Some of those advanced services are already in the market, like Lantek Analytics. Soon that data will also feed machine learning algorithms that will revolutionize the way we work and interact with sheet metal software.