• Advanced Manufacturing

Automation Software as a Tool to Break Up Shop Bottlenecks

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Since its founding in 1995, OC Fab Ltd. (OCFab) has grown from a small subcontractor to one of Manitoba’s leading fabrication companies for the agriculture industry.

The value of connectivity in a Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In this era of pandemic, connectivity has shown just how valuable it is. Following lockdown, manufacturers adapted their workflow and the way they operated in order to continue producing. Those that were able to work remotely did so to maintain safety distances. But... what are the differences between factories with varying levels of connectivity?

5 Questions Surrounding Manufacturing Processes for Economies of Customization

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Humans have been manufacturing goods for centuries. What began as people making tools for personal survival has turned into highly automated processes producing consumer goods on a global scale. Now that we’ve become efficient in manufacturing at scale, the market is demanding customized products. This changes the way we think about processes throughout the manufacturing facility and leads to tremendous innovations in manufacturing technology. Here are some questions and answers surrounding the advantages of such technologies.