• Digital Transformation

A2N – The Turbocharger for Manufacturing 3D Sheet Metal Parts and Assemblies

  • Advanced Manufacturing
With this new extended "Assembly to Nesting" (A2N) technology, Lantek introduces a tool that enables sheet metal manufacturers to complete tasks in minutes that previously could take hours. The software can process 3D drawings of individual parts and entire assemblies with multiple components, unfolding them and calculating production requirements.

The value of connectivity in a Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In this era of pandemic, connectivity has shown just how valuable it is. Following lockdown, manufacturers adapted their workflow and the way they operated in order to continue producing. Those that were able to work remotely did so to maintain safety distances. But... what are the differences between factories with varying levels of connectivity?
Data Analytics

Data Analytics and how to make the best decisions for your plant

  • Digital Transformation
Data on operations, processes, logistics, personal data, financial data... Data, data and more data. Too much data. So much data, in terms of quantity and variety, that it can be overwhelming. What is the best way to collect and organize them so that they make sense? To know what to do with them, so that they boost the productivity and efficiency of the plant?