• Advanced Manufacturing

Software for the coexistence of different sheet metal cutting machines at the same plant

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Typically, a second machine tool is added to plants in an attempt to increase production and/or diversify. However, we are also seeing it as a phenomenon aimed at resolving the issue with small series. This occurs when there’s a machine with a large automated production capacity which is expensive to interrupt in order to manufacture small series. To cover this gap and avoid interrupting serial production, many factories use an additional, cheaper machine, without automation but with greater availability.

Lantek MES + Lantek Analytics = the best combination for the Digital Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The challenges placed before us by Industry 4.0 in attaining a digital factory with optimum results require solutions that will help us to overcome them in solvent and error-free manner. Conscious of these challenges, Lantek has developed solutions that make it possible to gather and analyze plant data in real time and, in parallel, to improve decision-making in an aim to make companies more competitive. The joining forces of the traditional Manufacturing Execution System and data analysis, through Lantek Analytics and Lantek MES, serves as a base for advanced and intelligent manufacturing.

10 Key Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Management Software for the Sheet Metal Industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Nowadays, practically all organizations have a number of technological plant management solutions that they use to resolve certain issues. Each one delivers, although in response to new needs, multiple tools are being incorporated, creating more complex environments that sometimes complicate plant control.