• Advanced Manufacturing

Lean and Agile Methodologies to improve plant production efficiency

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Delivering value to customers through high quality products and fast service is fundamental to all businesses and an important requirement for project teams. In the quest to optimise the production process, various methodologies have emerged that aim to improve every stage of the process, from budgeting and initial design through to development, manufacturing, inventory and distribution.

System Integration or Integrated Systems?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Is it possible today to answer unequivocally which approach is better? Over the last few decades, integrated systems for business management have appeared on the market, replacing a number of separate solutions dedicated to individual areas, such as: manufacturing, warehousing, outsourcing, invoicing, accounting, human resources and payroll. These and other aspects of business management need to be integrated for the business to operate as a single unit.

Lantek MES Monitoring: the most complete way to view production

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Throughout the manufacturing process, it is very important to understand the impact that all operations will have on said process, the dependencies among them, the sequences they follow, etc. Having this under control is key to avoiding problems of overload in work centers, unnecessary shutdowns, and incorrectly assigned tasks. This is where the new application Lantek MES Monitoring comes into play.