• Advanced Manufacturing

Data Strategy

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Data management and administration have emerged as one of the most valuable resources for businesses today. The ability to gain competitive advantages in the market largely depends on how these data are managed and transformed into useful information. Without a doubt, data has become the cornerstone of the modern economy.

SHEET HAPPENS II: It is important to know how to draw in Lantek software?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
SHEET HAPPENS" is a column written by a Lantek customer, a seasoned professional who has overcome thousands of challenges. In this blog series, he will regularly give us tips, tricks and "best practices" on Lantek Expert. We look forward to each episode - hopefully you do too.

Lantek 360: comprehensive management and availability anywhere

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek recently presented a set of applications that allow the path to digital transformation to unfold quickly and intuitively for companies in the sector. These applications now make up the suite of cloud-based products called Lantek 360. Users of Lantek 360 will have applications with enormous capabilities, and will be able to access and process large amounts of data in real time as well as historical data.