• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek, "the Android" of sheet metal cutting

  • Advanced Manufacturing
We are international, and not only because we have a physical presence in more than a hundred countries and provide support in almost twenty languages, but also because our desire to assist clients as they move toward a Smart Factory leads us to strive for uniform and standardized processes from the outset so that machines can collect information and data of value in a correct and more reliable way. This is why we have worked and invested in R&Di to develop universal software. And we made it happen. We are the Android of machine tools for cutting sheet metal, tubes and profiles.

What else can a MES do for you? Lantek MES, the competitive advantage of Smart Factories

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The changes in the sheet metal sector start from the plant itself, connecting all the machines and areas in real time to make it more productive, thanks to the capacity of anticipation, prevention and prescription that the data emanating from the factory allow when visualised together. This optimisation is only achieved using advanced software, the Manufacturing Execution System, known by the acronym MES. A program that models all processes and machines and has the capacity and technology to communicate with them according to each machine.

MES, the Heart of the Plant

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In the same way that the heart pumps blood in different ways according to the requirements of the body, the MES gives the production manager the ability to adapt to the pace and characteristics of the company, its customers and its production plants.