• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek MES Wos to control production in the workshop and increase efficiency

  • Advanced Manufacturing
What do we ask of our factories? Efficiency and maximum quality. To do this, we need a plant data collection program at the operator’s post, the objective of which is the monitoring, control and validation of each one of the manufacturing processes, from reception of the order to the completion of production. And all of this, of course, in real time and automated, so that production can be performed with greater agility and optimization. Without administrative tasks that cause delays and can even lead to mistakes.

Lantek 360: comprehensive management and availability anywhere

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek recently presented a set of applications that allow the path to digital transformation to unfold quickly and intuitively for companies in the sector. These applications now make up the suite of cloud-based products called Lantek 360. Users of Lantek 360 will have applications with enormous capabilities, and will be able to access and process large amounts of data in real time as well as historical data.

Lantek MES Monitoring: the most complete way to view production

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Throughout the manufacturing process, it is very important to understand the impact that all operations will have on said process, the dependencies among them, the sequences they follow, etc. Having this under control is key to avoiding problems of overload in work centers, unnecessary shutdowns, and incorrectly assigned tasks. This is where the new application Lantek MES Monitoring comes into play.