• Advanced Manufacturing

System Integration or Integrated Systems?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Is it possible today to answer unequivocally which approach is better? Over the last few decades, integrated systems for business management have appeared on the market, replacing a number of separate solutions dedicated to individual areas, such as: manufacturing, warehousing, outsourcing, invoicing, accounting, human resources and payroll. These and other aspects of business management need to be integrated for the business to operate as a single unit.

Technological trends for 2022

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Which technological enablers will make an impression next year? We go over the now traditional report by the Gartner consultancy firm that lists 12 technology trends that will multiply organizations’ efficiency and productivity.

Lantek MES Wos to control production in the workshop and increase efficiency

  • Advanced Manufacturing
What do we ask of our factories? Efficiency and maximum quality. To do this, we need a plant data collection program at the operator’s post, the objective of which is the monitoring, control and validation of each one of the manufacturing processes, from reception of the order to the completion of production. And all of this, of course, in real time and automated, so that production can be performed with greater agility and optimization. Without administrative tasks that cause delays and can even lead to mistakes.