• Advanced Manufacturing

Automation Software as a Tool to Break Up Shop Bottlenecks

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Since its founding in 1995, OC Fab Ltd. (OCFab) has grown from a small subcontractor to one of Manitoba’s leading fabrication companies for the agriculture industry.

Lantek Integra, a comprehensive ERP system for metal companies

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Covid-19 has undoubtedly changed our lives and, along with it, the way in which we once carried out our most habitual processes. Equally, there’s no denying that, in view of this new situation, companies that previously expressed their misgivings about digitization processes have now come to realize just how important they are.

Adaptable requirements management

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The digital transformation process brings with it a lot of uncertainty. How do I know what tasks and changes I need to carry out in my organization to transform it? It’s impossible to know beforehand. How do I know where I will end up in my transformation process once it is finished? It’s impossible to have a clear idea at the beginning.