• Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced MES & Analytics: From Machinery to the brain of the Enterprise

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Until not very long ago, machines were totally dependent on orders from people. They were not autonomous and did not communicate amongst themselves, slowing production and thereby also making them more vulnerable to manual operating errors. Now, in the era of smart & digital factories, MES (manufacturing execution systems) continue to be the backbone that control and oversee everything occurring inside the plant, but they have now moved up a category, revolutionizing management and production.

Technological progress of Thermal cutting: from Oxycut to Fiber Laser

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Historically, different material cutting technologies have been developed for different sectors of the market, each with its advantages but also disadvantages and limitations. Usually they have been developed around a single type of cutting, but for some time now combined methodologies are being used, such as water and plasma, punching and laser or punching and shearing.

Lantek MES+, the market’s most advanced metal sheet cutting software

  • Digital Transformation
In order for a plant to operate with the highest efficiency regarding deadlines and costs, and with total optimization of raw materials and processes, it requires advanced manufacturing management. Intelligent production that offers you, in real time, a global view of all the manufacturing processes and their automated planning. This is already possible thanks to Lantek MES+, the market’s most advanced sheet metal software, which enhances and completes the capabilities of the traditional MES.