• Digital Transformation

SHEET HAPPENS III: How to use nesting explorer

  • Advanced Manufacturing
When tackling a CNC job at Lantek, the first thing I am asked to do is create the complete job, which includes programming all the parts in sub-jobs on the different machines in the workshop together with the qualities, thicknesses, and sheet metal formats of the material.

Reinventing client proximity in times of Covid-19

  • Advanced Manufacturing
COVID-19 has evidently marked a before and after in many areas, from healthcare to social worlds, including that of business, forcing companies to change the way in which we work, both with our team and with our clients, the most important aspect of any business.

Any Factory can become a Smart Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Smart Manufacturing. Digital Manufacturing. Advanced Manufacturing. Industry 4.0. Whichever term you have heard it called, we can agree it is the talk of the town. The catchy terms and constant spotlight may make it seem out of reach for smaller shops. That could not be further from the truth.