• Advanced Manufacturing

Opting for digitization is to go with the flow

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Cloud, Analitycs, Big Data, Deep learning, Artificial Intelligence, augmented reality… these and other concepts, that were already around before the pandemic, have now got some real-world solutions in industrial applications. Their aim is helping industry to optimize its processes through safe and effective digitization.

Digitalization – Lantek speaks to UK subcontractor SSC Laser Cutting

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Interview with Mr. Austin Jarret, Managing Director of the British company SSC Laser Cutting. SSC Laser Cutting has three plants and manufactures laser cut and folded parts for agricultural and body on to chassis manufacturers in the UK. The company has recently started its digitalization process.

Any Factory can become a Smart Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Smart Manufacturing. Digital Manufacturing. Advanced Manufacturing. Industry 4.0. Whichever term you have heard it called, we can agree it is the talk of the town. The catchy terms and constant spotlight may make it seem out of reach for smaller shops. That could not be further from the truth.