• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek Integra, a comprehensive ERP system for metal companies

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Covid-19 has undoubtedly changed our lives and, along with it, the way in which we once carried out our most habitual processes. Equally, there’s no denying that, in view of this new situation, companies that previously expressed their misgivings about digitization processes have now come to realize just how important they are.

Automation and remote working, keys for optimizing manufacturing

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Manufacturers in the metal and sheet metal industry need technological solutions to improve and optimize their production, making it fundamental to have tools that make the automation of tasks and remote working possible.

What is Edge Computing and How Can It Help Manufacturers?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
It seems that new computing methodologies are released every other year. In recent years much of the focus has been put on converting legacy systems to cloud solutions. Widespread adoption of cloud technology in all industries has helped to drive the cost of these solutions down. While cloud solutions are helping enterprises and individuals stay up to date with the latest technological and security advancements, they require a tremendous amount of data transmission.