• Digital Transformation

Lantek, the Force Behind

  • Advanced Manufacturing
"The Force is not just about moving rocks. It’s about understanding the connections between all things. When you understand the connections between all things, you understand the Force." - Luke Skywalker

System Integration or Integrated Systems?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Is it possible today to answer unequivocally which approach is better? Over the last few decades, integrated systems for business management have appeared on the market, replacing a number of separate solutions dedicated to individual areas, such as: manufacturing, warehousing, outsourcing, invoicing, accounting, human resources and payroll. These and other aspects of business management need to be integrated for the business to operate as a single unit.

Digitization and localization, keys for making supply chains resistant in the post COVID-19 era

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In mid-March, when lockdown had only just started in many countries, we were writing about the digitization of supply chains to place value on the importance of using Industry 4.0 enablers (Digital Factory).