• Advanced Manufacturing

Lantek has the software tools to get the most from your raw material

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The metal price index has gone up by over 20% in the last 12 months resulting in material shortages and large hikes in the cost of sheet metal. Stainless steel has seen even more dramatic rises due to the high cost of nickel.

Reinventing client proximity in times of Covid-19

  • Advanced Manufacturing
COVID-19 has evidently marked a before and after in many areas, from healthcare to social worlds, including that of business, forcing companies to change the way in which we work, both with our team and with our clients, the most important aspect of any business.

Lantek, "the Android" of sheet metal cutting

  • Advanced Manufacturing
We are international, and not only because we have a physical presence in more than a hundred countries and provide support in almost twenty languages, but also because our desire to assist clients as they move toward a Smart Factory leads us to strive for uniform and standardized processes from the outset so that machines can collect information and data of value in a correct and more reliable way. This is why we have worked and invested in R&Di to develop universal software. And we made it happen. We are the Android of machine tools for cutting sheet metal, tubes and profiles.