• Advanced Manufacturing

Efficient and accurate quoting with iQuoting - a smarter alternative to Excel and intuition

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek iQuoting software for sheet metal fabrication now available as Software as a Service - a success story -

Lantek MES Wos is key to building a secure future for sheet metal manufacturers

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek’s MES solution for sheet metal manufacturers is designed to help companies get on the path to digitization. This software helps managers to maintain control of their manufacturing operations, delivering high quality products on time at a profit. The system additionally makes it possible to use data from the workshop to make decisions about investment, customers, markets, pricing and reorganisation and will lead to in depth partnership working with customers and suppliers.

Innovating within the concept of Smart Manufacturing

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Identifying behavioral patterns to increase sales, foreseeing possible problems in order to resolve them before they happen, managing stock in a much more efficient way or redistributing the workload automatically. These are some of the many smart manufacturing possibilities offered by this new concept in the Industry 4.0 era.