• Advanced Manufacturing

6 steps for building the Digital Smart Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
When we talk about the Digital Smart Factory we mean intelligent and advanced manufacturing supported by digitization and the interconnection of processes and machines to collect and process data. It involves the participation of all the departments of a plant, from production planning to remote maintenance, including system integration or data analytics.

4 challenges in migrating applications to the Cloud

  • Advanced Manufacturing
For many companies, the journey to the cloud presents itself as a challenge. Its enormous benefits are obvious: cost reduction, access from anywhere and any device that is connected, immediate and unlimited scalability, integration of programming languages... Advantages that imply such substantial savings and efficiency that it’s impossible to ignore that we are now in the era of Cloud software. Technology replacement will be unstoppable in years to come. For this reason, it’s essential to do it safely, gradually and without interruptions that slow down the company’s operation. Finding suitable partners to ensure a smooth landing is crucial in order for successful migration to the Cloud.

Control your company’s production from any device

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Could you imagine a situation in which from anywhere of the world you were you could access in real time to your plant’s information? Wouldn’t it be perfect to control your company’s production from any device? Even if you are at your own plant, wouldn’t be a huge technological advantage to manage any process from anywhere? And yet more relevant, be able to collect the information coming from any cutting machine in the market?