• Advanced Manufacturing

SHEET HAPPENS II: It is important to know how to draw in Lantek software?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
SHEET HAPPENS" is a column written by a Lantek customer, a seasoned professional who has overcome thousands of challenges. In this blog series, he will regularly give us tips, tricks and "best practices" on Lantek Expert. We look forward to each episode - hopefully you do too.

Reducing the carbon footprint in the industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Nine million people around the world die each year from diseases related to environmental pollution; over a million species are in danger of extinction; and the temperature of the planet is due to rise by three degrees by the end of this century. Pollution, loss of biodiversity and climate alteration is the triple threat we’re facing due to climate change, according to a report by the UN.

An Advanced MES for Digital Factories

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Accompanying our customers throughout their digital transformation involves constantly adding value. Only through innovative products and services adapted to the needs of each customer can the level of competitiveness required by a smart factory be reached.