• Internet of Things (IoT)

Imagining the future and making it happen: the machine of tomorrow

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Vision and innovation, cloud, modernization of apps and systems, security, services focused on and for the user, hyper-connectivity, artificial intelligence, protocols, IoT, integration... Digitization, a great deal of digitization, and all under the umbrella of Industry 4.0. The future brings with it a world with more options in terms of automation, variety, precision and effectiveness, but also with less complexity, costs and risks. However, before that future arrives, we have to imagine it. Envisioning the future of the metalworking industry and making it a reality is what Lantek is all about.

When Data is at the service of manufacturing intelligence

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The Digital Factory is much more than a concept or an increasingly widespread expression, it’s a methodology aimed at the 21st-century company, a company that simply must be linked to technology and digitization.

Digitization and localization, keys for making supply chains resistant in the post COVID-19 era

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In mid-March, when lockdown had only just started in many countries, we were writing about the digitization of supply chains to place value on the importance of using Industry 4.0 enablers (Digital Factory).