• Advanced Manufacturing

Laser or water jet? Two different, but complimentary, cutting machines

  • Advanced Manufacturing
They emerged at practically the same time, during the second half of the 1960s, and although they use antagonistic technologies and processes, in a metal or sheet metal factory both complement each other because they are unbeatable in their respective niches, as we’re about to find out.

5 challenges for the metal and sheet metal cutting industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Ultimately, the crux of the matter is to optimize plant production in order to mass-produce customized parts without increasing costs and while also boosting productivity, that’s why using Industry 4.0 enabling technologies is vital. We’re talking about both the sensorization of plants with Internet of Things (IoT) technology and advanced software developed using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning hosted in Cloud environments.

Lantek Flex3dTubes: Solving a Variety of Issues

  • Advanced Manufacturing
One of the most highly technologically-developed fields in the industry is tube manufacturing, with regard to the development of both machine operations and software solutions that solve a plethora of issues customers face. The key, of course, is the ability to respond to and solve a multitude of potential scenarios, considering that there are a number of fundamental variables in this field.