• Advanced Manufacturing

SHEET HAPPENS II: It is important to know how to draw in Lantek software?

  • Advanced Manufacturing
SHEET HAPPENS" is a column written by a Lantek customer, a seasoned professional who has overcome thousands of challenges. In this blog series, he will regularly give us tips, tricks and "best practices" on Lantek Expert. We look forward to each episode - hopefully you do too.

Seven Lantek technologies used in the manufacture of domestic appliances

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Washing machines, dishwashers, ovens, kitchen construction, industrial machinery for the food sector, etc. Technology with the Lantek seal is making its mark on the consumer goods entering homes, hotels, restaurants or educational and work centers all around the world. It involves the use of the sheet metal manufacturing software in the home appliances and metal furniture sector, whether for cutting material, data validation or process and inventory management.

The cloud is not and option, but rather the driver to increase competitiveness

  • Digital Transformation
This Industry 4.0 technology enabler is real, so real that if you want to be competitive in the new digital ecosystem, there is no other option than to use the Cloud in your business strategy.