• Advanced Manufacturing

Sheet Happens I: How to use Lantek Job Explorer effectively

  • Advanced Manufacturing
"SHEET HAPPENS" is a section written by a Lantek customer, a seasoned professional veteran of a thousand battles who will regularly provide us with tips, shortcuts and best practices using Lantek Expert. Don’t miss it!


  • Advanced Manufacturing
At Lantek, we have an obsession - increasing our clients’ productivity day after day. With each evolution of our products and with each small innovation, our whole technological plan is aimed at achieving one objective: to make manufacturing better every day. Better budgeting, better analysis, better planning... ultimately, to never stop working!

Combined plasma and water jet cutting machines to speed up production

  • Advanced Manufacturing
An increase in the competitive pressure of the digital environment is forcing us to look for more time and cost effective means and greater productivity, requiring greater efforts in R&D to find innovative solutions in the metal and sheet metal industry. And in this search for better performance, two traditionally antagonistic technologies have joined forces to bring an optimized cutting solution to the market. We are talking about combining a water jet cutting machine (based on mechanical cutting through abrasion) and plasma cutting (thermal cutting using high temperatures that melt or vaporize the material).