• Advanced Manufacturing

Tamás Kutnyánszky, CEO of Lamitec

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek interviews Tamás Kutnyánszky, CEO of Lamitec, the new distributor of Lantek In Hungary.

The imperative IT/OT convergence in the industrial sector to make progress with digitization

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
There’s still quite a way to go in the industrial sector’s journey towards digitization. Many companies, especially the smallest ones, don’t have segregated IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology) networks, instead, all of the equipment is connected to one single network which leads directly to the Internet. In others, generally the largest ones, the workshop’s network is separated from the office’s network by means of a firewall, making it possible to control communication between the two worlds in a very granular manner.

What Will the Machines of the Future Be Like?

  • Digital Transformation
If we look back in time, we will see that the machines of the future will follow the same paradigm as previous industrial revolutions, producing more at a lower cost.