• Advanced Manufacturing

70% of companies are set to increase their cybersecurity budget

  • Advanced Manufacturing
There’s no turning back now. Digitization is a must for any company, and has become essential following the impact of the pandemic. Many companies have been forced to take the technological and digital plunge, adapting or even reinventing their business models to continue serving their customers remotely. This has made companies more vulnerable and more exposed to security breaches.

Lantek Integra, a comprehensive ERP system for metal companies

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Covid-19 has undoubtedly changed our lives and, along with it, the way in which we once carried out our most habitual processes. Equally, there’s no denying that, in view of this new situation, companies that previously expressed their misgivings about digitization processes have now come to realize just how important they are.

An Advanced MES for Digital Factories

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Accompanying our customers throughout their digital transformation involves constantly adding value. Only through innovative products and services adapted to the needs of each customer can the level of competitiveness required by a smart factory be reached.