• Advanced Manufacturing

How machine learning will revolutionize manufacturing

  • Machine Learning
Let’s think for a moment about the high volume of data generated by companies. Data about customers, suppliers, productivity, human resources... Information that, in many cases, is not integrated into all business departments so there is no overall vision or, what is worse, it is not even digitized. Both weaknesses stall decision making and/or can lead to wrong decisions. And in this new digital ecosystem, data is the raw material of Industry 4.0.

Lantek MES Monitoring: the most complete way to view production

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Throughout the manufacturing process, it is very important to understand the impact that all operations will have on said process, the dependencies among them, the sequences they follow, etc. Having this under control is key to avoiding problems of overload in work centers, unnecessary shutdowns, and incorrectly assigned tasks. This is where the new application Lantek MES Monitoring comes into play.

Digital Twins, or when we used to refer to the first model as a prototype

  • Digital Transformation
The prototype’s days are numbered. Yes, I know, it’s a hackneyed phrase, but this is the reality facing us thanks to the new possibilities Industry 4.0 has on offer. Nowadays there are software solutions able to generate a virtual design of a product or process we wish to test, thereby reducing labor hours and investment substantially.