• Digital Transformation


  • Advanced Manufacturing
全世界每年有900万人死于与环境污染有关的疾病;一百多万个物种濒临灭绝;到本世纪末,地球的温度将上升三度。 根据联合国的一份报告,污染、生物多样性丧失和气候变化是我们因气候变化而面临的三重威胁。

How machine learning will revolutionize manufacturing

  • Machine Learning
Let’s think for a moment about the high volume of data generated by companies. Data about customers, suppliers, productivity, human resources... Information that, in many cases, is not integrated into all business departments so there is no overall vision or, what is worse, it is not even digitized. Both weaknesses stall decision making and/or can lead to wrong decisions. And in this new digital ecosystem, data is the raw material of Industry 4.0.


  • Advanced Manufacturing
新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情告诉了我们根据客观、精确的数据进行决策的重要性。 上述数据的可靠性和质量是至关重要的,我们必须明确使用哪些数据来证明决策的合理性并添加价值。 但不是什么旧数据都可以。