Is this process sufficiently agile, fast, flexible, and to what extent should it be standardized, or should it be custom-made?
Juan José Colás. Lantek Chief Sales and Marketing Officer
Quoting is not easy and at Lantek we are very aware of this. Many factors need to be taken into account, and not just costs, hours of work, required resources and the profit you want to obtain. Factors which, in many cases, are difficult to quantify if this is to be done accurately and quickly enough.
Quoting is especially important since aside from the financial aspect, the way it is presented can determine the success or failure of the business.
A quote or financial offer is the company’s letter of introduction, the mechanism used for the first contact with a customer which is why on many occasions, the company only has one chance to make an impression and cannot afford to fail.
A quote not only presents our price, but also transmits our knowledge or expertise, making our value proposition as a whole more attractive or not.
To give the quote added value, the offer must demonstrate how we can help the customer and respond to their needs.
With the aim of supporting our customers in the difficult task of quoting, in the way they communicate with their customers and helping them to achieve their goal of winning the race to offer the best quote on the market, at Lantek we have developed solutions that will significantly facilitate this task and will put them without doubt, ahead of their competition.
디지털화 시대에 회사의 오퍼를 맞춤 제공하는 능력은 현재 및 미래 고객의 선택을 받는 기업이 되기 위해 결정적으로 중요한 능력입니다. 이는 모든 산업 부문에서 필요한 적응 능력으로, 금속 산업 역시 예외가 아닙니다. 귀사는 경쟁사와는 어떻게 차별화하고 계십니까? 관건은 제품이나 소프트웨어 그 자체가 아니라 프로세스와 소프트웨어의 다양한 부분이 프로세스에 맞춰 조정되는 방식에 있습니다.