• Internet of Things (IoT)

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When faster and more effective client response comes down to optimizing workloads

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The tendency in today’s world is to manage in an increasingly intelligent way and, unsurprisingly, this affects the industrial environment, the plants and industrial facilities in which the real-time planning and optimization of productive processes is fundamental for a business’ competitiveness. In practice, this is made possible through the incorporation of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems that streamline business processes and significantly improve productivity. The "all connected" and "in time" production trend is now a reality, but this race towards innovation has its advantages and its disadvantages.

Intelligent Collision Avoidance

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek recently developed a new algorithm called ICA “Intelligent Collision Avoidance ) in order to minimize potential collisions between the head and unstable contours. When the new algorithm detects which contours pose a potential risk of falling and being positioned on top of nearby contours, the system automatically assigns a micro-cut at the end of said contour. Thanks to this new algorithm, the cutting process has taken another step toward full automation and unattended cutting, minimizing the risk of machine shutdowns due to collisions.

The cloud is not and option, but rather the driver to increase competitiveness

  • Digital Transformation
This Industry 4.0 technology enabler is real, so real that if you want to be competitive in the new digital ecosystem, there is no other option than to use the Cloud in your business strategy.