• Advanced Manufacturing

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Life beyond spread sheets

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The quoting process in sheet metal manufacturing has long been dominated by manual calculations and fragmented workflows. Traditional methods, often reliant on spreadsheets and complex formulas, are time-consuming and prone to errors. Enter Lantek iQuoting, a modern solution that automates and streamlines the entire quoting process, offering significant advantages over these outdated techniques.

Which cutting technology is the most suited to your plant?

  • Nesting
Thirty years ago, the global distribution of sheet metal cutting machine-tools was dominated by the oxycut variety (large thicknesses) and, to a lesser extent, the plasma variety (small thicknesses). There was a niche for punching machines along with water jet and laser machines. The latter were aimed at thicknesses less than 5mm and were expensive. Since then, the trend has shifted, shrugging oxycut in favor of other technologies according to thicknesses.

Is your company ready to digitize now?

  • Digital Transformation
We keep reading about digitization in manufacturing. But are we there yet? We might be closer than you think. Success now relies on efficiency and productivity to drive down operational costs. Companies that will be successful now, and in the future, understand the role digitization plays in optimizing efficiency and are transforming their businesses right now.