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Technology and Industry 4.0: meeting the challenge with the right partner

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Industry 4.0 is in the news and companies in every sector are becoming aware of the terminology. Its potential for improving productivity is immense. But we must remember that this concept includes dozens of very different technologies, each with different implications and results. The challenge for industrial companies is to understand the possibilities for their business in detail and draw up a plan to transform production processes step by step.

On the Road to Smart Manufacturing: IoT/IIoT and Security, an Inseparable Pair

  • Digital Transformation
The arrival of the IoT on the market was a watershed moment in terms of how we relate to technology. It revolutionized everything, from smart homes to connected cars, to systems for smart cities, 5G innovations and, of course, industrial advancements made with the industrial internet of things (IIoT).

Opportunities of the digital transformation of industrial machinery

  • Advanced Manufacturing
When facing the current environment of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) which is also highly competitive, the digitization of industrial material is an essential differential value in order to quickly adapt to market requirements. It’s a must in order to optimize plant production and respond to new consumption habits that require agile, personalized manufacturing in record times.