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Reducing the carbon footprint in the industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Nine million people around the world die each year from diseases related to environmental pollution; over a million species are in danger of extinction; and the temperature of the planet is due to rise by three degrees by the end of this century. Pollution, loss of biodiversity and climate alteration is the triple threat we’re facing due to climate change, according to a report by the UN.

Lantek MES + Lantek Analytics = the best combination for the Digital Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The challenges placed before us by Industry 4.0 in attaining a digital factory with optimum results require solutions that will help us to overcome them in solvent and error-free manner. Conscious of these challenges, Lantek has developed solutions that make it possible to gather and analyze plant data in real time and, in parallel, to improve decision-making in an aim to make companies more competitive. The joining forces of the traditional Manufacturing Execution System and data analysis, through Lantek Analytics and Lantek MES, serves as a base for advanced and intelligent manufacturing.

Lantek MES Monitoring: the most complete way to view production

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Throughout the manufacturing process, it is very important to understand the impact that all operations will have on said process, the dependencies among them, the sequences they follow, etc. Having this under control is key to avoiding problems of overload in work centers, unnecessary shutdowns, and incorrectly assigned tasks. This is where the new application Lantek MES Monitoring comes into play.