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Machine Connectivity: Revolutionizing Real-Time Automation

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek has developed software that operates independently of machine manufacturers, with specialized interfaces that allow it to communicate with any equipment or cutting technology. Lantek’s new “Machine Connectivity” technology takes this flexibility to the next level, advancing toward Industry 4.0. It integrates machines into a comprehensive network, controlling them, collecting their data, and presenting it in a clear and accessible way for users.

SHEET HAPPENS VII: The art of taming stocks of sheet metal: Configuration and good practices

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Today we are looking at how to keep control of sheet metal stocks and remnants. Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed, trying to keep track of all the different sheet sizes and remnants you’ve been adding on the fly? Now, you keep getting a huge selection of sheet sizes options that appear every time you try to use “do all” in the automatic nesting and machining page.