• Advanced Manufacturing

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Efficient and accurate quoting with iQuoting - a smarter alternative to Excel and intuition

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek iQuoting software for sheet metal fabrication now available as Software as a Service - a success story -

Lantek WEM: the new way of managing production in the workshop

  • Advanced Manufacturing
A typical sheet metal workshop can process dozens of orders daily, which translates into hundreds of operations on different machines and work centers. Managing such a large production volume is not a trivial matter. The production flow is usually interrupted due to problems such as unscheduled machine shutdowns, incidents related to internal logistics, conflicts in planning, and so on.

Any Factory can become a Smart Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Smart Manufacturing. Digital Manufacturing. Advanced Manufacturing. Industry 4.0. Whichever term you have heard it called, we can agree it is the talk of the town. The catchy terms and constant spotlight may make it seem out of reach for smaller shops. That could not be further from the truth.