• Digital Transformation

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Efficient and accurate quoting with iQuoting - a smarter alternative to Excel and intuition

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek iQuoting software for sheet metal fabrication now available as Software as a Service - a success story -

Lantek Integra, a comprehensive ERP system for metal companies

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Covid-19 has undoubtedly changed our lives and, along with it, the way in which we once carried out our most habitual processes. Equally, there’s no denying that, in view of this new situation, companies that previously expressed their misgivings about digitization processes have now come to realize just how important they are.

Lantek 360: comprehensive management and availability anywhere

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek recently presented a set of applications that allow the path to digital transformation to unfold quickly and intuitively for companies in the sector. These applications now make up the suite of cloud-based products called Lantek 360. Users of Lantek 360 will have applications with enormous capabilities, and will be able to access and process large amounts of data in real time as well as historical data.