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Nukon Lasers UK collaborates with Lantek UK for laser cutting excellence.

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Premium Turkish laser manufacturer Nukon is one of Lantek’s OEM collaborative partners, combining the 2D and 3D technology of Nukon’s lasers with the expertise Lantek brings to the industry with its Lantek Expert software for programming 2D lasers and its Flex3D software for tube cutting lasers.

Intelligent Collision Avoidance

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek recently developed a new algorithm called ICA “Intelligent Collision Avoidance ) in order to minimize potential collisions between the head and unstable contours. When the new algorithm detects which contours pose a potential risk of falling and being positioned on top of nearby contours, the system automatically assigns a micro-cut at the end of said contour. Thanks to this new algorithm, the cutting process has taken another step toward full automation and unattended cutting, minimizing the risk of machine shutdowns due to collisions.

Excellence in Shop Floor Control

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Shop floor control is a key component that substantially affects the decision-making process of any company. In this article, we will analyze the scope of efficient resource management and its related activities to help companies successfully transition from planning to reality.