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Data Strategy

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Data management and administration have emerged as one of the most valuable resources for businesses today. The ability to gain competitive advantages in the market largely depends on how these data are managed and transformed into useful information. Without a doubt, data has become the cornerstone of the modern economy.

Efficient and accurate quoting with iQuoting - a smarter alternative to Excel and intuition

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek iQuoting software for sheet metal fabrication now available as Software as a Service - a success story -

Digital Factory, when digitization is synonymous with competitiveness

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The industrial sector is a country’s growth pillar, it’s the competitive advantage of an economy that is able to generate quality employment opportunities that are stable and well recognized both professionally and in terms of salary. However, to sustain these strengths, we need to innovate, renew ourselves and anticipate the progress that is available to society, which unavoidably involves digitization.