• Advanced Manufacturing

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Technology and Industry 4.0: meeting the challenge with the right partner

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Industry 4.0 is in the news and companies in every sector are becoming aware of the terminology. Its potential for improving productivity is immense. But we must remember that this concept includes dozens of very different technologies, each with different implications and results. The challenge for industrial companies is to understand the possibilities for their business in detail and draw up a plan to transform production processes step by step.

Digitalization and remote working: two concepts combined to bring us the opportunity to work everywhere

  • Advanced Manufacturing
As we saw at the start of the pandemic, digitized companies have been those best able to overcome the limitations of confinement. They have also had, and continue to have, the greatest potential to succeed in these times of uncertainty. In times of coronavirus, the value of connectivity has been recognized for its ability to enable productive activity to continue through remote working.

“Touch & Play”- state-of-the-art technological innovation

  • Digital Transformation
In its effort to boost new technologies and as the leader in the international CAD/CAM market, Lantek has developed “Touch&Play” a Lantek Inside module encompassing more than 35 years of experience from Lantek in the sheet metal processing industry and new augmented reality technologies.