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Sheet Happens I: How to use Lantek Job Explorer effectively

  • Advanced Manufacturing
"SHEET HAPPENS" is a section written by a Lantek customer, a seasoned professional veteran of a thousand battles who will regularly provide us with tips, shortcuts and best practices using Lantek Expert. Don’t miss it!

5 challenges for the metal and sheet metal cutting industry

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Ultimately, the crux of the matter is to optimize plant production in order to mass-produce customized parts without increasing costs and while also boosting productivity, that’s why using Industry 4.0 enabling technologies is vital. We’re talking about both the sensorization of plants with Internet of Things (IoT) technology and advanced software developed using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning hosted in Cloud environments.

‘Progressive Corners Beveling’: The algorithm that revolutionizes the way bevels are cut

  • Digital Transformation
One of the biggest obstacles that the metal industry faces is cutting bevels or chamfers on corners. After months working on how to overcome the loop that is generated, we’ve developed Progressive Corners Beveling (PCB), an algorithm based on dynamic control of the 5 axes, which means that the head is progressively oriented with the angle of the next bevel. That is, it no longer remains perpendicular to the cutting direction, as it does in tangential programming. Thanks to this we save 15 mm to 30 mm of material from each loop. As a result, there is no material waste, so we gain time and therefore, money.