• Advanced Manufacturing

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Lantek helps Mace Industries take construction to new heights

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Mace Industries specializes in the design and manufacture of conveyers, roof loaders, elevators, hoists and soil and aggregate screeners for the construction industry. These products were designed by the company to fill a need for a faster, simpler and less labour intensive way to get tiles to scaffolding at roof level – avoiding potentially dangerous ladder work.

Advanced MES & Analytics: From Machinery to the brain of the Enterprise

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Until not very long ago, machines were totally dependent on orders from people. They were not autonomous and did not communicate amongst themselves, slowing production and thereby also making them more vulnerable to manual operating errors. Now, in the era of smart & digital factories, MES (manufacturing execution systems) continue to be the backbone that control and oversee everything occurring inside the plant, but they have now moved up a category, revolutionizing management and production.

An Advanced MES for Digital Factories

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Accompanying our customers throughout their digital transformation involves constantly adding value. Only through innovative products and services adapted to the needs of each customer can the level of competitiveness required by a smart factory be reached.