• Advanced Manufacturing

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How to Select the Best MLOps Platform

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Databricks (Open-Source Tools) or Azure ML Workspace (Azure) or How to Select the Best MLOps Platform.

When automation opens the door to advanced manufacture

  • Advanced Manufacturing
It has taken more than two centuries for us to travel from the First Industrial Revolution to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and be able to truly refer to advanced manufacturing. Yes, manufacturing which generates and applies knowledge and experience, combined with state-of-the-art technology and innovations that enable products, production processes and high-value-added services to be created. We’re not really discovering anything new now, just making all the refinements we can since the ultimate aim is to increase the company’s productivity and hence our competitiveness in the market.

Machine Communication Standards

  • Advanced Manufacturing
We all know that our goal is to achieve online connectivity between our IT systems and the real processes taking place in our factories. However, in reality, nowadays there is no single communication standard which allows us to communicate our IT solutions (ERP/MRP/MES) to any given machine from any given manufacturer and, of all these terms, it is not easy to understand which are important in each case.