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Data-Driven Smart Manufacturing: The Key to Competitive Advantage

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In today’s competitive manufacturing landscape, businesses that can leverage data to drive insights and decision-making have a clear advantage. Data-driven smart manufacturing is the use of data and analytics to improve all aspects of the manufacturing process, from product design and development to production and quality control.


  • Advanced Manufacturing
At Lantek, we have an obsession - increasing our clients’ productivity day after day. With each evolution of our products and with each small innovation, our whole technological plan is aimed at achieving one objective: to make manufacturing better every day. Better budgeting, better analysis, better planning... ultimately, to never stop working!

4 challenges in migrating applications to the Cloud

  • Advanced Manufacturing
For many companies, the journey to the cloud presents itself as a challenge. Its enormous benefits are obvious: cost reduction, access from anywhere and any device that is connected, immediate and unlimited scalability, integration of programming languages... Advantages that imply such substantial savings and efficiency that it’s impossible to ignore that we are now in the era of Cloud software. Technology replacement will be unstoppable in years to come. For this reason, it’s essential to do it safely, gradually and without interruptions that slow down the company’s operation. Finding suitable partners to ensure a smooth landing is crucial in order for successful migration to the Cloud.