• Advanced Manufacturing

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Journeying to the Cloud to reduce the digital divide in the industrial sector following the pandemic

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Covid-19 has highlighted that, without the digitization of processes, it’s difficult to maintain business continuity, that supply chains are fragile and information is unreliable, exposing a digital divide between more or less digitized companies. Those who fail to cover this gap fall by the wayside, which means that accelerating transformative processes planned in the medium and long term is essential in order to adapt to this new disruptive reality, where everything happens at breakneck speed.

What else can a MES do for you? Lantek MES, the competitive advantage of Smart Factories

  • Advanced Manufacturing
The changes in the sheet metal sector start from the plant itself, connecting all the machines and areas in real time to make it more productive, thanks to the capacity of anticipation, prevention and prescription that the data emanating from the factory allow when visualised together. This optimisation is only achieved using advanced software, the Manufacturing Execution System, known by the acronym MES. A program that models all processes and machines and has the capacity and technology to communicate with them according to each machine.

Moving towards a Smart Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Industry 4.0 requires the provision of intelligence and technology to the entire supply and value chain. Lantek has become a partner of reference in this area of innovation, without sacrificing progress in other state of the art projects, as Asier Ortiz, Lantek Technological Director, announced in this interview. Big data or virtual reality are important tools for meeting the challenge of anticipation.